Monday 26 November 2018

Eating Bugs

By JJ Eating Bugs

I am learning to: Persuade people by writing.

Have you been sad that when it's dinner time? It's always the same things over and over?
I feel like I’ve eaten everything in the world! But did you know there's always nice healthy bugs you can cook with! If your a normal guy and think “YUCKY! I DON'T WANT TO EAT BUGS!” After you read this I believe you will be like “YAY, I WANT BUGS FOR DINNER!” There are lots of reasons why eating insects are very good for you because they are healthy, low in fat and you can eat as much as you like and not gain more weight! When some bugs are cooked they dont look like bugs anymore! Also there are lots of recipes all over the world and some even have chocolate in them!

Are you scared that we are running out of meat to eat? Well do you know that if we start eating bugs now we will save lots of meat! Don’t worry if we run out of bugs because there is approximately 10 quintillion(1,000,000,000,000,000,000) bugs on earth! So that means that there is a ratio of 200 million bugs to one human! The more bugs the better! If we start eating bugs we will have lots and lots of more animals! Also there's lots of recipes to cook bugs like chocolate covered crickets and other lollies with bugs in them!

Are your sick and tired of the same recipes over and over again! Well if you switch to bugs there is unlimited access to truckloads of recipes to cook with from all around the world! And they all taste very yummy! Just like normal cookies and cake just with a tasteless bug in it! Bugs are very very healthy for you because they are low on calories and have the same protein as an egg!

As you can see cooking with bugs is very very fun and easy to have super tasty dinner for as long as you like! But remember that's not all! They are healthy and packed with good stuff! Making bugs for your dinner is like going to the gym only you don’t feel anything! This is why I strongly recommend cooking with bugs!

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